
Communication breakdown? 3 ways to approach a challenging situation

When you are struggling to communicate with a colleague, it can be hard to know what to do. Here are three ways that can help break deadlock and soothe hurt feelings. Read the article on

Category: Blog | Wednesday 2 February 2022 | Author: Anna Shields
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3 Alternative New Year’s Resolutions To Build Your Conflict Resilience

With conflict at work affecting at least a third of us each year, it’s never been a better time to focus on improving our conflict resolution skills. Our latest Forbes article takes inspiration from three popular New Year’s resolutions and turns them into simple steps to help build your conflict resilience. Read it on

Category: Blog | Tuesday 4 January 2022 | Author: Anna Shields
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Consensio 2021 News and Resources

  Many of us encounter conflict in our working lives. In fact, accordingly to a 2021 report, around a third of UK employees (that’s 9.7 million people) experience conflict every year. To help you deal with conflict more effectively, each year we publish a range of conflict management resources. We’ve pulled together a selection of these from […]

Category: Blog | Wednesday 29 December 2021 | Author: Anna Shields
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